Warning — the photos are shocking but the ending was happy.
Ronin (now adopted and named Nikko) came to SCGSR from the local shelter with a terrible “degloving” injury. He was just short of four months old. We can’t explain how this could happen to a puppy – possibly he was hit by a car and left for dead – but his skin was torn from his chest, with pebbles, sand and dirt embedded in the gaping wound. San Diego Animal Control called and we immediately committed to help this desperate puppy.
Nikko went through many surgeries, during which his wounds were cleaned, drains implanted, and buttons were placed to help pull the skin closed over the wound and keep it stable. As we got to know him, we were all stunned at the bravery and will to survive inherent in this puppy. He took months to heal, and when he did, he was adopted to a family who already had an SCGSR rescue in residence.
We believe in miracles – because we see them every day. We believe animals know we’re here to help, and if they hang on we will help them. The only thing that ever stands in our way when helping pets is lack of funding. You can change that by donating and making the difference for more needy animals. [tagline_box link=”https://socalrescue.org/donate-2/make-a-donation/” button=”Donate Now” title=”Donate — be a lifesaver!”][/tagline_box]