This little darling came to SCGSR from a hoarder you may have heard about in the news, and went to Animal Control where she was named one of the “Dirty Thirty” for the 30 dogs taken out of the home with sarcoptic mange and every parasite in the book. The shelter called upon SCGSR for help for her companion Nikko, and we just couldn’t leave without Piper too.
Yesterday Piper had a most happy ending to her rescue story and found herself a very loving home. From her mom:
We already love her to pieces, and she totally hit it off with our daughters dog. . . Thank you so much for Piper she is a real blessing to us!
- First day in rescue.
- Getting better!
- All better!
- Adopted!
- Piper’s has a family of her own.
- And new best friends.