They’re not perfect, but their love is perfect.

Abandoned. Blind. Mistreated. Creaky joints. Unwanted.

Are any of us perfect? People with hearts for rescuing helpless animals come close. Not the occasional perfect puppy we get in rescue, but the older dogs who have lost homes. These dogs are many times not perfect. They may have started out perfect, but through the misfortune, neglect and thoughtlessness of humans, they have found themselves to be less desireable and in need of a soft bed. They may have missing fur, or they may not see very well. But they all need love.

Many of us have owned a German Shepherd that was so special to our hearts, we continue to support and help the breed, we can never imagine our homes without a German Shepherd in it. Imagine that dog you loved so much sitting in a kennel day after day while people walk by and turn their eyes away. No dogs derserve that and all dogs deserve a chance.

SCGSR is very proud of our sister organization, of Orange County. GSROC currently has several seniors and impaired dogs who will love you with their whole hearts. Please visit their website and give one of these needy dogs the Valentines gift of a lifetime.